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  • Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Bloodbath

    Jeffrey Sachs locates Hillary at the center of US attempts at regime change in Syria. __________________________________________________________ Jeffrey Sachs Clinton’s role in Syria has been to help instigate and prolong the Syrian bloodbath, not to bring it to a… Continue reading

  • Watch.. Please… Then when it’s all over.. ORGANIZE!!! Please…

    We ARE all in this together.. and whatever your passion or your issue, this one effects us all, and it is another example of how all the issues are connected… Please keep up the work and if you are not working… Continue reading

  • The Olive Harvest

    POLITICS THE OLIVE HARVEST JANUARY 2, 2009 CATS R FLYFISHN LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT I am re-posting this by another Author who has not left their name because it is so topical David Gibson, 7/30/14 _________________________________________________________________________ Yesterday, I posted a… Continue reading

  • End the Crisis in Gaza

    By David Gibson and Dr. Janet Amighi, 7/20/14 While Israel claims it is under threat, its own actions and policies are actually the driving force of Palestinian resistance.  It is most extreme in Gaza. Gaza is kept shut off by… Continue reading

  • The Criminalization of Survival

    What do we all need to survive? Think about it for a minute… what would YOU need? Food, Water, shelter, transportation, the internet? Seriously, I was looking for jobs a while back because, as a paid activist, and a single… Continue reading

  • History Shows, People Power Makes the Difference.

    By D. E. Gibson © Power comes down to two things. Money and People. When they have the money, we need the people! It was dusty, hot, and the air and the ground around us, seemed yellow. It was sandy,… Continue reading

  • Suicidal Greed!

    Are you  like me? Do you ever wonder why things seem to be getting so out of control in this world? If, overall, things seem to be getting worse, rather than better, despite all the work and activism and uprising… Continue reading

  • Action in the face of fear

    There was a time, not too long ago, when the world had 70,000 nuclear warheads poised to launch at a moment’s notice. They were aimed at various points on the globe, but roughly 60,000 of them were armed to explode… Continue reading

  • Why Poverty is a Peace Issue and Why We Should Embrace it as one Now.

    Why Poverty is a Peace Issue and Why We Should Embrace it as one Now. We all know this… Eisenhower said it.   “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who… Continue reading